Rabu, 21 April 2010

If people said they love you, should you trust???

Ha..!!tajuk 2 sbenarnya aku kidnap dri wall post kat facebook..saje bla t'bace rsa cm nk bg pndgn skt..

luv..bg aku bley di-define-kn dgn pelbagai mksd..
x smestinya cuma psangan yg b'cinta je yg bley ucap i luv u kn..
luv 2 bley gak diucap kat kwn,family,pets & things yg kita syg or suka..

should we trust???
well..it depends on y,when n who..
mcm ni la..klu stakat nk ckp i luv u kat org..mmg kacang la kn..so sapa2 pn bley ckp bnda 2 anytime je..n kat sapa2 je..so nk pcaya ke x..kita kena nilai sendiri..kdg2 it juz a magic word utk perayat org..kg2 utk jga ati org..nk ambik ati pn bole..mcm2 la kegunaan dia..ala..senang je nk tgk org ikhlas ke x ckp that magic word..u already know that right???

erm..kpd org yg x tau we should trust or not..y dont u take a minute..n think how often u had use that magic word..to whom..4 what purpose..juz think deeply..y did u choose 2 use that word..

if people juz playing around with that word..n they say it sedangkn they dont mean it..will it hurt your feeling??
if yes..then please dont do so to others..ala..juz anggap what goes around comes around la..
kn x baik skitkn ati org..bkn smua org bley trima..kdg2 ada org yg x pnah sapa2 pn ucap mcm 2 kat dia..jgn main2 la..before ckp..pk la dlu...yeke luv??dont get confuse..huh..jgn main redah je erk..

erm..dont want 2 write anymore..i'll stop it right here..sayonara..

2 ulasan:

  1. hmm..sowi post slap tmpt laa..post yg bufday tu acctly kne post kt cni..haha..my nma hafiz!!haha..tke cre..
