Khamis, 19 Ogos 2010

my broken heart..

never know that it will be this hard..i thought its easy and simple like the previous secondary school..but it doesn' its becomes my hardest moment in my life..

I've once thought to surrender..but I've change my mind after thinking that its not the best solution..

right now..i'm try to work hard towards the peak of the limit of my ability..i really hope that i have the spirit as high as my desire to success..

Jumaat, 13 Ogos 2010

ReMinDerS FoR You...

Your presence is a present to the world.
You are unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Success is up to you.
Take the days just one at a time.

Count your blessings,not your troubles.

You'll make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
UNDERSTAND..Have courage..Be strong and optimistic.

So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach your peak,your goal,your PRIZE.

Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem,the heavier it gets.
Don't take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity & wisdom,not a life of regrets.

Remember that a little love goes a long way.
A lot of love goes FOREVER.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life's treasures are PEOPLE..together.

Realize that it's never too late.
Have health and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a star.
And don't forget..for even a day...
You make things happen beautifully.
It's people like you who make a diference.


Khamis, 12 Ogos 2010

PuAsA dAtaNg LaGi......

     huh..siapa sangka aku dpt bertemu ramadhan lg...1st puasa kali ni dpt leh puasa kat rumah...bru ari pertama kedai2 kat bazaar ban busuk dh penuh..bersesak2 plak dgn manusia2 yg nk membeli..bkn je org cina pn ada..hehe...adey...kempunan dong..mau b'buka dgn kuih tepung x pela..kuih pelita 2 diganti dgn kek birthday..ok la 2..

     ble dh bsar ni..t'kenang la zmn kecik2 dlu..puasa skrg dh x semeriah dlu..klu dlu..mlm ramadhan..rumah2 bercahaya je dgn pelita..skrg x de dh..dlu mlm ramadhan riuh dgn suara bdk2 main,bunyi mercun n meriam kabat..skrg sunyi sepi je..juz dgr suara imam mengimamkn solat terawih..raya skrg pn mna ada bdk2 dtg umah kutip duit raya..klu dlu..rumah x putus2 dgn kunjungan dri bdk2..dri pg smpai ke ptg..dh biasa dh dgr ayat..

" dtg nk beraya nk duit je..x nk mkn..dh kenyang.."

     haha..klakar..aku pn pnah wat gak dlu2..byk gak yg aku kutip..klu puasa penuh dpt duit aku kutip 2 smpai drjah 5 je..pas2 x wat dh..malu..dh besar..mlm2 wktu bln posa la plg bez..aku dgn abg aku men meriam kabat..gna besi x guna buluh..besi bwu power..dijamin slmt 2..haha..dlm kmpg ada byk lawan sapa pnya meriam bunyi plg kuat..pergh jaguh kmpg kot aku dgn abg siap jd tukang wat meriam utk owg lg..wakakaka..hebat x???

     aku ni nakal dowh..sejak kecik lg..n rasanya skrg pn still nakal..kat depan umah aku..ada umah owg cina yg kawin dgn india..basically..opposite the road mmg rmh org cina pn..erm..ada la dlm 6 buah..dlu aku dgn abg aku ska main mercun bakar then lempar ats bumbung rumah cina 2..bila dia kuar km myorok..haha..bez...

     aku start puasa penuh waktu drjh 1st aku try puasa msa drjh 1..aku igt lg..aku x tahan aku g dpaur curi2 mkn..wktu bkak puasa mak aku puji sbb aku kuat..bley puasa sehari..senyum lebar je aku..pas2 aku gtau la yg aku dh mkn wktu siang 2..haha..pecah temberang..pengakuan yg jujur...

     1 lg..msa bln puasa kn kantin sklh waktu drjh 1 aku bawa bekal g sklh..ada la 1 hari 2..aku bwa keropok lekor g sklh..kwn aku ni x puasa wktu rehat dia join aku g duk kat pndok..nk mkn sma2 la..tbe2 dia t'tepis bekas mknn 2..makanya b'taburan la keropok 2 kat ats tanah..then km pn blk ke kls dgn perut yg kosong..esknya wktu p'hmpunan ckg punya keropok la yg tumpah smlm 2..then kwn aku wat kecoh ckp aku pnya..dia dia x mkn..ceh hampeh btl..apa pnya kwn la...malu aku dibuatnya..

     huh..bez kowt zmn kecik2...rindu gle kemeriahan wktu dulu..wlupn bln ramdhan 2 mmbwa kegembiraan wat aku..bln ramadhan jg pernah merampas kebahagiaan aku..hehe..harap2 ramadhan ni lbey b'makna wat aku..(^_^)